Lava has launched Lava Blaze 2, the new phone of its Blaze series in India. This phone has been introduced as an upgraded version of Lave Blaze 5G. Lava Blaze 2 has been introduced with the Unisoc T616 processor. The phone has support for up to 11 GB of RAM and 18 W fast charging.
The phone has a 13-megapixel dual camera setup and a premium glass back design. Let’s know about other specifications and the price of the phone.
Lava Blaze 2 Price
The phone has been introduced in Glass Black, Glass Orange, and Glass Blue color options. The price of Lava Blaze 2 with 6 GB RAM and 128 GB storage is Rs 8,999. The phone can be purchased from the company’s official website and Amazon India from 12 noon on April 18.
Lava Blaze 2 Specifications
Lava’s latest phone gets a 6.5-inch 2.5D curved HD Plus IPS display, with the display having a refresh rate of 90Hz. The phone has been introduced with Android 13. The company is also going to provide Android updates for two years and security updates for three years in the phone. That is, the support of Android 14 and Android 15 will also be available on the phone.
Lava Blaze 2 gets up to 6 GB of RAM with the Octa Core Unisoc T616 processor. RAM can be increased virtually up to 11 GB. UFS 2.2 storage of up to 128 GB has been provided with the phone. The phone also has the facility of a side-mounted fingerprint sensor and call recording for security.
The phone has been equipped with a dual rear camera. The phone has a 13-megapixel AI dual camera and an 8-megapixel front camera for selfies. The inbuilt camera features of the smartphone include features like Beauty, HDR, Night, Portrait, AI, Pro, Panorama, Slow Motion, Filter, Motion Photo, Time Lapse, Audio Note, and Intelligent Scanning. The dual mic comes with noise cancellation for a better calling experience on the phone.
The phone has support for a 5000mAh battery and 18W fast charging. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, an audio jack, and a USB Type-C port are supported for connectivity in the phone.
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